First Post

Hello everybody and welcome to my personal blog. Not a blog where I am talking about personal stuff, but about stuff regarding my personal experience regarding games where you socialize with others. It is not just about socializing it is also about skills and various things that will help you to have a better experience and increased chances of a greater player with a greater social status while into the virtual world.

I will deliver along the time as often as I will be able to, tips and advices regarding two of the best games in the field: IMVU and Second Life. So far these are the only two games that I managed to play and to get a hang on as they seem to be the most popular. I will do my best to deliver quality stuff that will help not only the beginners, but also the experienced ones. For this I will have to dedicate my time in researching further than the actual game and try to write about things regarding about not only in-game footage and experience, but also things from a high perspective such as psychological effects when playing such games or what are the positive and negative effects of playing such games.

That being told I hope you will be satisfied with my writings, this being my main purpose and I will try my best to get a broader audience, not only people who want to learn about social games or which are playing social games. I also want to write general stuff concerning these type of games which the casual gamer may also find it interesting.